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Global Health Research with Emily Smith
Loving Our Global Neighbors: The Friendly Neighbor Epidemiologist

The Need

In Somaliland, the 4th poorest country in the world with a population of 4 million, there are over 250,000 children in need of surgical care and most of these children go untreated. Compounding on all of these factors is the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic is estimated to double the number at risk of starvation (120 to 256 million), push an additional 42-66 million children into extreme poverty and increase wasting by 50%, with the poorest countries impacted the most. 

Families around the globe are having to make choices between food and healthcare because of poverty, impacting a child’s health.  

What if we could do something about that?

That's where you come in to help. Our goal is to meet the acute COVID-19 needs for Somaliland families and the ongoing need of children in need of surgery in the country. How do we meet that goal? We meet the need - together - equitably and sustainably with our in-country partners through the provision of PPE, testing kits, ventilators, and surgical procedures for children.

Read More: Many Children in Somaliland Suffer Conditions that Could Be Eased by Surgery, but Most of Those Needs Go Unmet, Study Finds

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Jackson Family Global Health Excellence Challenge
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