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Senior Class Gift (Class of 2021)

Senior Class 

For over a century the graduating senior class bestows upon the university a gift to mark their time and contribution to Baylor University. Whether it’s a concrete bench in the Quad from 1906 or the restoration of the Carroll Field football sign or a new walkway in Traditions Plaza the senior class gift is one of the most meaningful and lasting contributions of our graduates. 

A Distinctive Year

The Class of 2021 has had a challenging year. The pandemic impacted activities, involvement, and the traditions that make the Baylor experience distinctive. Yet, one of the bright spots of this year has been the continued presence and resilience of Joy & Lady. This year's Senior Class will be making a donation to the Bear Habitat that will work toward funding a new interactive exhibit to ensure generations of Baylor alumni can enjoy our beloved bears.  

Impact of Your Gift

Donations will go directly to the Senior Class Gift Fund to contribute to the project. From buying one of our Class of 2021 shirts to monetary donations all gifts will help us reach our $20,000 goal! This will provide our Senior Class with a lasting legacy at Baylor and an opportunity to tell future Baylor Bears about our impact.


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