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In Loving Memory of Allison Dickson

Honor the Life of  Allison Dickson

In Loving Memory of Allison Dickson

Beloved Baylor Lawyer Allison Dickson, JD ’07, passed away on October 18, 2023. We invite you to honor her with a donation to the Allison Dickson Scholarship Fund, a fund personally meaningful to her.

Allison Dickson’s story of perseverance, faith, love for Baylor, and hard work — which enabled her to graduate first in her class while living daily with the physical challenges of Werdnig-Hoffman Muscular Dystrophy — has inspired many. 

One of Allison’s long-term dreams was to leave a lasting legacy of helping others through the Allison Dickson Endowed Scholarship at Baylor Law. The fund is designed to reduce recipients’ debt burden, empowering them to explore their legal interests more broadly and seek out the most meaningful work. 

Over the years, Allison recruited more than 80 partners to establish the fund — and even with her recent pressing medical issues, she continued to seek out supporters for her endeavor. Baylor Law would be honored to have you join us in supporting #TeamAlli.

*Family representatives of Allison Dickson will be notified of all donors who help to support this fund in her memory.

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