Submit a Project Idea!

Before You Begin...

Have you reviewed the project information packet on the About page?

Does this project have an already established fund attached? Bear Funded cannot be used to establish new funds.

If you are a faculty/staff member, have you received permission from your department head or dean to launch this project?

If you are a student group, do you have an advisor or Baylor staff member who is part of this project?

Are you ready? Let's do this!


You must include at least one image with your project application. Please email content to

Projects that have multiple photos or a video (1 minute or less) explaining their passion and purpose perform best. Donors love to hear directly from the Bear's mouth!

Contact Us

If you have questions about Bear Funded and would like to speak to an Annual Giving staff member, please email or call (254) 710-8289. Someone will respond to you within one business day.

Tell us about yourself


Tell us about your project

In 160 characters or less, please describe your fundraising initiative.

Describe in detail the project's purpose, how the funds will be used, & how it will benefit BU, etc.

Projects do best with a goal between $2,000 - $10,000

Please provide your desired launch date and how many weeks you would like the project to be active

If you do not know this, email

Please provide the names and emails of at least four people guiding this project

i.e. Is this gift being made in honor of someone?

Have questions? Send us an email at
Our Crowdfunding Groups