Baylor’s Athletics Mental Health Services was created out of the vision of Vice President and Director of Intercollegiate Athletics, Mack Rhodes, to ensure that Baylor student-athletes have access to the mental health services they need to be successful on and off the field of competition, at Baylor and beyond. In existence for four short years, Athletics Mental Health Services (AMHS) is now providing mental health services to 45% of the Baylor student-athlete population. We have continued to see significant growth in resource utilization over the last several years. In addition to clinical care, AMHS provides education and training to all the athletic department coaches, staff and student-athletes. With the rapid growth of AMHS utilization there is a need for expansion of services.
Embracing a preventative model, AMHS is redirecting its focus to early intervention efforts. This includes increasing the amount on education opportunities, implementing stigma reduction programming, and increasing the frequency of mental health screenings, while still providing clinical care to student-athletes. Initiatives like peer-to-peer leadership programs, suicide prevention training for all student-athletes, testimonial guest speakers, and upgraded technology for screening measures, are all tools that focus on prevention. Athletics Mental Health Services also seeks to provide more education to coaches and staff who ultimately are the creators of the culture in which student-athletes thrive. A culture that promotes mental health is one that is actively reducing stigma, and a key to early intervention.
Your support of Baylor student-athletes on game day helps propel them to champion status in their sport. Your gift can help provide the resources they need to be Champions for Life!