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Wacode 2020

Raised toward our $2,500 Goal
19 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on March 05, at 11:59 PM CST
Project Owners

Wacode 2020

What is Wacode?


Wacode is an annual 12-hour hackathon held at the Blume Conference Center on Baylor University's campus. We want to bring in students, professionals, hobbyists together to build, collaborate, and share their knowledge.

Students spend all day building apps/websites/software to help combat issues prevalent in and around the Waco community. Last year our prompts focused on improving literacy rates, combating food insecurity, and assisting at-risk youth.


Our goal is to give our students a wonderful opportunity to:

  1. Learn Modern Development Techniques; Guest lectures and workshops hosted by industry professionals with decades of experience.

  2. Code For Social Good; Our programming prompts are focused on solving important issues in our local Waco community.

  3. Build Their Professional Network; Professionals on-site looking to hire on new talent for internship and full-time opportunities.



Why we need your help:


In the past year, we hosted 60+ hackers. We wanted to make the experience as wonderful as possible for everyone! Which doesn't come cheap.. our budget consists of:

  • Food (Snacks & Meals)
  • Drinks
  • Prizes
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Shirts for all participants

Check out our website for more details!




Choose a giving level


We Didn't Start with Much!

The first Wacode back in 2018 only had 5 people participate! It's grown quite a bit since then!


Kid's Gotta Eat!

This gift will help pay for lunch and dinner for a hungry hacker. Say NO to pizza and YES to balanced and healthy meals!


Take Wacode To the Moon!

Our team's vision for 2020 is to have the best hackathon Baylor has ever seen! With your help, we'll make it happen!


1200% Growth!

5 participants in 2018 to 60+ at Wacode 2019. Let's keep the momentum going with some explosive growth for Wacode 2020!


Small, Yet Mighty!

This represents the currently total enrollment for CS majors at Baylor. We're proud of our small class size while still pumping some of the best computer scientists in the world!

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