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The Bear Habitat Enrichment Initiative

A Tradition of Stewardship through Education & Conversation.  The "Patron Saint of all Baylordom," the Bear has served as the Baylor Mascot since 1914 when students selected it over the Buffalo, Antelope, Frog, Ferret, and Bookworm.

The Bear Habitat Enrichment Initiative

How do your contributions help support the Baylor Bear Habitat?


Bear Enrichment

Joy and Lady enjoy daily opportunities for enrichment and play. From digging to climbing to sniffing out a tasty snack, all the enrichment activities assist with advancing the well-being of our bears. Your donation will help us to continue to offer a wide variety of activities to provide Joy and Lady with important and healthy stimulus. This also offers our trainers more opportunities to educate visitors on black bear behaviors at the core of our mission.

Bear Habitat Technology Enhancements

The daily well-being of Joy and Lady is enhanced with state-of-the-art technology to assist our caretakers. The use of advanced technology improves the way we monitor, document, and provide the highest quality care. The program is actively pursuing initiatives that include installation of best-in-class software to digitize our current daily activity and feeding logs, two trail cameras that monitor Joy and Lady's nighttime activities, and people counters to monitor daily visitors to the habitat.


Bear Program Endowment

This fund helps with the annual operational management of the bear program. The resources generated from this endowment support veterinary care, meals, habitat maintenance, and enrichment activities. All gifts, small or large, support the endowment which allows us to provide the highest quality of care for our bears!


Stay Connected

You can follow Joy and Lady @BaylorBearHabitat or share a special note with Joy and Lady by sending your note to:


Joy and Lady Bear

One Bear Place #97185

Waco, TX 76798


The Baylor University Bear Program is committed to providing excellent care for Baylor's bears and serving the larger community by presenting unique educational experiences on American Black Bears. 

- Bear Program Mission Statement

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