The Baylor Business and Zambia program will consist of Baylor Business undergraduate students partnering with Zambian men and women over the course of week-long workshops. Within the workshops, Baylor students lead out and are paired with 8-10 Zambians who are current students in Family Legacy’s Excel Beyond program. These workshops are conducted on sales, customer service, interviewing, resume writing, business plan writing, business ethics and presentation skills. The Baylor students will be tasked with using their business skills and experiences they have learned to help the Zambian students grow in their ability to effectively create their own business and to improve their job skills, so that they can obtain gainful employment in Zambia. With the strong relationships that are formed, Baylor students are able to share their faith in a personal and practical way and impart the hope of the gospel.
God’s people come from “every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages” (Rev 7:9)
Our goal is for the Baylor students to develop rich relationships with the Zambians through this mission trip, so that they may continue to be connected to them even after the trip and in so doing will inspire the Baylor students to develop a global mind-set and make an impact in the global marketplace.
Baylor has partnered with Family Legacy for five years with this mission trip. This program has grown to serve over 100 Zambians each year. The Excel Beyond enrollment is growing each year and could benefit from even more Baylor students participating in this trip. We anticipate demand for the workshops to continue to grow with increased numbers of Zambians in the Excel Beyond program each year.